Does My Company Need a Data Destruction Certificate?

Benefits of Secure Data Destruction

You may be considering selling your assets or recycling old electronics in favor of new technology. Regardless of the option you choose, you’ll need total data destruction from a trustworthy asset disposal business to satisfy regulatory and security requirements. So, what function does having a data destruction certificate serve?

What Is a Data Destruction Certificate?

When it comes to erasing data securely and correctly, businesses must adhere to strict standards outlined in the GDPR data destruction policy as well as NIST-accredited criteria. You’ll be given a data destruction certificate when all applicable laws are satisfied, and your information is deleted correctly.

A data destruction certificate (DDC) is a piece of paper, typically issued by an accredited party, verifying that information has been erased correctly. Without this certification, you’re not following the law and run the risk of legal action against your company. This goes for any industry or type of business.

Benefits of Secure Data Destruction

You can’t be sure your old data is deleted successfully without a DDC. This is because the process takes place under strict security measures – it’s not as simple as deleting a file from a computer or memory stick. Nor should you shred hardware because that leaves too much room for error and incomplete removal.

With a certified data destruction firm, your information is removed in a way that ensures it’s unrecoverable. They follow pre-approved procedures to ensure personal or financial information of customers, employees, or any other stakeholders isn’t compromised after removal.

Data Destruction Certification Maintains Security

A data destruction certificate also proves that you’ve taken the proper steps to secure your company. Cyber attacks are now a daily reality for companies of all sizes, and holding onto customer information can put them at risk for identity theft or hacking attempts.

It’s essential for any business engaged in social media marketing or electronic billing to have top-notch data security on their devices and databases. By having your customer data destroyed securely, you’re protecting them, as well as your business.

Do I Need a DDC?

If you’re taking extra steps to ensure data destruction occurs correctly and securely, chances are you’re currently a consumer of data erasure services. That’s because this is a requirement for any company that wants to ensure customer data has been removed correctly and securely.

In the case you’re unsure about whether or not your business needs a DDC, consider these questions:

  • Have you sold or re-leased equipment after it’s been retired?
  • Do you have data that are no longer associated with your business?

If so, then yes, you should request a DDC.

Why Not Just Destroy the Data Yourself?

It might be tempting to attempt data destruction yourself to save money, but it isn’t worth the risk. Prying eyes could look over your shoulder to take data off your hands, employees can mishandle equipment containing sensitive data, or you might make mistakes during the process. Either way, you’re not following best practices or satisfying legal requirements.

Do Not Destroy the Data Yourself

If this is your first time selling or disposing of business assets, consult with a trustworthy data destruction company before committing to any decisions about disposal. If you have questions, don’t hesitate to ask.

What Happens If I Don’t Have a Data Destruction Certificate?

If you don’t have proper certifications of secure erasure of personal or business information, it’s illegal to sell the hard drive or other information storage device. Remember, this even applies to refurbished equipment containing customer and business data.

Today’s businesses must take action against the GDPR and other data security standards to stay in compliance and avoid legal consequences. Erasing sensitive information is a priority in any industry because it protects customers and your company from identity theft or financial data breaches. However, you can’t do this without a data destruction certificate from a trusted asset disposal business.

Avail Recovery Offers Certified Data Destruction

Don’t leave data destruction to just anyone. Avail Recovery can help remove any data from old equipment and provide a clean audit trail. We accomplish this by providing you with:

  • A Serialized Certificate of Destruction
  • A Five Million Dollar Liability Policy
  • Easy to understand Master Services Agreement
  • Published Information Security Policy

Let Avail do all of the dirty work, so that you can better focus on your customers. We also offer hardware trade-in programs, telecom services, and data center decommissioning.

Contact Avail today for a free project assessment and learn how to make your company run more smoothly.

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