Electronics Recycling

Electronics Recycling

Ensuring that your retired IT equipment is either reused or recycled responsibly is imperative to protecting your brand and avoiding major fees from state or local governments. In addition, there is an epidemic of illegal e-waste exports while companies are defrauded into falsely thinking their equipment is disposed of in compliance with international laws.

Avail guarantees that our clients’ e-waste disposal needs are managed in a manner that is compliant with all state and federal laws. We are certified to the strict R2v3 standard and receive regular third-party audits of our facilities and downstream processors. All electronic devices not suitable for resale are processed in the following manner:

  • In compliance with R2v3 certification downstream due diligence requirements
  • Zero landfill policy
  • Compliant with all local and federal laws
  • Will not be exported to illicit overseas buyers
  • Downstream accountability maintained for each transaction

To ensure proper worker safety, environmental management and data security practices we are certified to:

Contact us for a free assessment or to schedule a call

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